Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day 40

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Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day 39

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- apart.

Labrys knew Carmine was not going to guess the answer to her question. And yes, despite Labrys' strength becoming increased through her power of bonds, Carmine did have a couple of people supporting him, such as 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐨 𝐃𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 and 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐮.

But -

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Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day "38"

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Carmine was done talking.

Labrys was clearly not, and that was an issue.

“…ding my friends and family,” she said. “You’ll never win agai-“

Carmine clenched his fist, and blood burst into being from the ground below the robot, surrounding her, encasing her, and solidifying. ->

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>that. But enough about what had already happened. Carmine had enough of the monologuing. Without so much as interrupting his attempted dancing, his left arm clenched and he flicked it upward.


Directly below Labrys’ feet while she rambled about where she got the->

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Of course, it's not the only time that Labrys have learned the 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔 to help her fight. The last time she used that, that was what she used to take down 𝐇𝐢-𝐧𝐨-𝐊𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢 during the P-1 Climax, despite Yu Narukami and Tohru Adachi doing most of -

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Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day 37

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- action, Labrys is willing to take that chance to use her dance energy properly and make sure that it'll help her to take down Carmine, once and for all.

"You thought this will be the end without a dramatic turn of events? 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒏𝒐! I won't go down just yet! I will have -

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- lead Labrys to victory.

"I'm... not alone...! This won't be over just yet!"

All of the sudden, light blue electric 𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒂 begins to form all across Labrys, as cracks begin to appears on the spikes that she's impaled from. The cracks reach themselves towards the top of the -

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>about 10 seconds before groaning.

“Seriously? I didn’t even hit your legs, tim can. What, are your leg motor wires in your shoulders? That’s stupid. This whole thing is stupid! Fine!”

There was still that blood mist from the Spin that hit Labrys. So without sacrificing any ->

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Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day "36"

sorry about missing today technically, finals fucked me up lol

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>power poured into the woven construct had lived its life in full, the assault fading with no sign of damage to its target. And the moment that dropped, the shield vanished and Carmine flung his right arm forward.

“You failed!”

A buzzsaw of blood flew rapidly at Labrys’ body,->

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>high horse you rode in on, Fake Council President! You’re not the only piece of shit here for a round two and you’re not the only one who ain’t letting a pile of garbage get in their way!”

Caremine reared himself back as well, swinging both arms loosely in front of Labrys ->

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- which will take place before this tournament, along with how Labrys is able to control her dance energy with the help of her former enemy (and also Ulala's (former) enemy from her world), now her mentor & girlfriend, Purge.

Labrys' win through audience attention over Carmine -

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- Carmine, Labrys had a beautiful looking appearance to that of a robot wearing a schoolgirl outfit, a strict, but kind personality to protect her friends from any harm that comes across them, and her badass weapon, which reveals to be an axe that also becomes her jetpack to -

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- Persona's weakness to Psy attacks. However, her dance energy allows not only Labrys and her Persona, Ariadne to use electricity attacks, but also gives them an immunity to them. With that, it'll help on protecting her from the electric environment.

What opponents will Labrys -

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Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day 33

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Posting Labrys every day until Persona 4 Arena Ultimax / P4U2 comes to PC & modern consoles w/ rollback netcode: Day 32

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A quick Labrys to test Twitter crop...

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