Not sure if is the right account, but their Garruk sure is fun. Bet we'll be seeing more of that soon.

4 28

pls tell me i was not the only one...

10 52

Late blueschool but... felt bad man...

43 217

Felt like doodling this since i became a judge~
My ravnican sphinx character~

13 99

Some "modern" versions of guild leaders.

1 29

Based on what she eat, Mamo's bioluminescent becomes more apparent~

3 61

Forgot to upload this ♡ Dea the ravnican merfolk and her wife Tzirgo, the zendikari goblin being cuddly

2 27

My Simic Hybrid Mamo be sleepin' like a cat~

8 57

i blacked out for 30 mins and drew this what the hell

Emmara is an elf so... WEH?

1 19

My rakdos fan character Zinexis~
pointed out Rakdos's hate for clown so i figured it'd be a fun thing with a daredevil who likes to play it dangerously~ All she wanna do is make people laugh and not be so serious.
FT Mamo transformed into a gecko ppft

4 24

i placed 7th today at PPTQ playing Golgari Midrange~
Decided to doodle the chupacabra cuz he's kinda cute <3

28 168

Early Blue School cuz im feeling bit under the weather today~

67 266

Mary, my Orzhov angel, Mamo, my Simic hybrid and Blique ( in the canister) my Izzet Weird in the morning~~ they are close close friends

Mary's shirt says Big Millions just saying

3 26

Pretty fun by going around on Reddit today.

24 174

Since RW is super presented tomorrow at the protour top 8 i wanted to draw my Boros minotaur, Juria in celebration~

She's more petite than most other minotaurs and bit of a nervous wreck~ she uses thin swords~

7 76

My simic hybrid Mamo~
She has some frog-genes so she is able to sing to the krasis's of the guild to calm em down idek.

21 98

Merfolks playing peek is p cute~

16 87

Emmara is p good~
Just wish we had bit more good convoke spells to use with her : /

8 48