All clear for . and gives the green signal, which means strike on new Releases is over.

1088 5050

UHD 4.9MB (1800 × 3600) in png for designers, flex, cut-outs!
Tomorrow at 9am

380 1202

Much Much Much Awaited day is Here!!
Avadha 😈

2 6

Just 4 days to go for !! MERSAL TEASER STORM IN 4DAYS

267 814

Thogurunavan La Orama Poo 😍

En Thalaivan Summa Geththa Varar

1 6

💙 work

MnG 😍 Weekend 😇

1 3

Indha Murukku meesai Karanukagadhan WaitinG 😍❤🙏🙏 scene avum en thalaivan vandhan naa iskool pulaingala orama poo

6 11

Theatre Uh Therikka 😍 Just Imagine D atmosphere Kola waiting for Diwali nailed ✊ No words 😍

49 279

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