I didn't like Skeledirge's design, and it doesn't feel very Fuecoco so I made my own.

- Embrace Dia de los Muertos theme
- Stay a pepper
- Stay bipedal
- Crocalor's round tail becomes a maraca
- Become Spinosaurus

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What if we really get into the evolution angle and make a past Paradox Pokemon that's an ancestor of two seperate lines of Pokemon? Also inspired by galloping crocodiles.

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Gonna be fighting the elite 4 later in violet, got the best boi on my team too!, mines named Pancake!! 💜🥞
What did you name your Clodsire?

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Dia 12 do e para o tipo inseto acabei fazendo o Rabsca, sabiam que o corpo de verdade dele está dentro da bola e o que restou é somente uma casca?

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Nurse Miriam & her Pincurchin💉💜🖤💛

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Working on concepts for Eva! I think the design's pretty solid so far, might make a few changes though!

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I hope everyone is having fun with here's a tribute to my boy that didn't make the cut.

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I haven’t caught that many Pokemon yet because I feel horrible breaking the little families apart 😭

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