今日はトレヴァー・ラビンの誕生日!!🎂🎉🎉🥳🥳おめでとうございます!!🙌🙌トレヴァー大好きです〜!!単独でもいいから来日ライブしてほしいな…😢😢 Happy Birthday !! Trevor Rabin !!

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Por qué la Oposición NO acusa constitucionalmente a ? Es el responsable de Carabineros: detenciones en autos sin identificación, violaciones a DDHH, líquidos tóxicos, agentes de civil, gaseo de pobladoras y niños en Pudahuel

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本日、恵比寿リキッドルームにてGhost like girlfriend、Mega Shinnosuke、みゆな、Mom、Cody・Lee(李)、Mellow Youth、SO-SO、Carabina、AOAZA出演の「Eggs Presents DADARINRIN Supported by SILAS」開催!🌈

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Ho preso con distacco il test “quale personaggio di Harry Potter sei?”

Sono dai carabinieri e sto querelando Instagram

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2 encouraging reminders on day 2 of this new decade:

‘Everything comes to us that belongs to us, if we create the capacity to receive it.’


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Hope yall are havin a good new year before i sleep i wanna share my redraw of the lil twin stars rabin drawing i did in 2018 uwu im happy with my progress and will definitely better my art more in 2020!!

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Love is when the soul start to sing,
And the flowers of your life bloom on their own.

Rabindranath tagore

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Una de las cosas más maravillosas de este 2019 es la resistencia del pueblo chileno contra el neoliberlismo.
A pesar de la brutal represión de los carabineros, la gente mantiene viva la protesta.

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🔴 El joven atropellado por Carabineros esta tarde en Plaza Italia se encuentra estable en la exPosta Central. Sufrió una fractura de pelvis. El equipo sigue en el recinto hospitalario constatando el estado de personas heridas.

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🔴 INDH querellante: Formalizan en Rancagua a carabinero por usar a adolescente como escudo humano https://t.co/9bwaRUT0nb

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I sketched idw op and tfa op in cop* uniforms

*they're italian carabinieri, which is a different type of police force (we have two). They're a branch of the army!

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In memory : Photo against the background of the items brought from the ethnographic expedition. St. Petersburg. 14 (27) May 1914
Standing from the left: Abraham Rechtman, Solomon Yudowin, Szymon An-sky, Shalom Alejchem, his wife Olga Rabinowicz (Loeva Shalom), M.A. Ginsburg."

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백기 옷…
Let life be beautiful like summer flower
- rabindranath tagore (라빈드라나드 타고르 (인도 시인))
”生如夏花” 생이 마치 여름의 꽃과 같아라.

Stray Birds
- 길을 잃은 새.

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"In 1963, Godard was not exactly a feminist, but it is remarkable how much this film keeps returning to the subject of how war empowers the worst aspects of masculinity."

Our gift on Jean-Luc Godard's LES CARABINIERS by Steven Erickson.

Read now:

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I was shocked and heartbroken by a scene on the news of a girl and her father being violently arrested by the “carabineros” in Chile during yesterday’s protest.

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Haven’t got any Random Ghost merch yet? Now’s your chance!

Giving away: 1 t-shirt + 5 sticker/pin/carabiner accessory packs!

Head to @ rndmghst on Instagram for contest details

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