fight goes on .
Ral: It looks like his power is growing every second, this is not good.

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Ral: what a huge power, Who are you?
Broly: KA....Ka...KARATO!!!!
Broly attacks , ral try to talk him down but he learns a harsh leason soon...
Ral: This guy... His comepletly insane!!!
Broly: DIE WORM!!!

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Really love Ral Zarek failing to kill all of his assassins and BOASTING about it to master assassins, Kaya and Vraska.

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On a scale of Ral to Vraska, how do you feel about Jace?

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If OCs are an option, then my gal Ral! If not, then Lucy from Fairy Tail!

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Ral now whit god ki still is kind off injured and the last thing he does before he pass is punsh berrus sending him away from earth.
as Ral pass loses god form he drops down to the earth
Ral: damn

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TBC - A slightly more complex but overall tame story revolving around a cult of Darkhan trying to raise him from the dead now using the void magics taught to the void elves and a few- other methods. Nothing too mind blowing just good ol lore spoops.

Main NPC's : Ral'ordis/Vax

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Ral: JEAN!!! LISEN TO ME YOU CAN DO THIS!!! this creature is wrong about you!!!
Jean: Try as mutch as you like kryptonian, but shes not here today.
Ral: Jean.....It dosent matter what power your born whit what matters is who and how you use it.

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I present for your consideration: Ral Zarek going to the beach in a sarong

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Here’s my gal Ral!

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La col·lecció de fòssils d'Alcover-Mont-ral destaca per la diversitat de peixos, però, no hem d'oblidar els rèptils. Aquests representen el moment inicial de l'expansió dels saures i no només ocuparen el medi terrestre, també colinitzaren amb èxit el medi Triàsic🦎

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Have just one more Ral tonight! This time feat. Afro’s Steph!

Art by

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Ral-el gets beaten around for bit but then he cashes ssj rose gokus punsh.
Ral-el: I GIVE YOU LAST CHANCE... give gokus body back and leave this planet, or i will stop you.
Goku black: Stop me? foolish mortal you cant even fight back how will yo... KRAAAKAKADOOM!!!

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so anyway i have this headcanon about Tomik and Ral adopting a baby gorgon

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