early x-force gave us rictor and shatterstar getting in each other nerves/discussing, oh babies, you didn't have idea how bad you'd fall for the other

6 18

Down to Earth (which spans different times of their lives, mainly X-Force and early X-Factor (before Rictor got his powers back))

1 2

anybody else remember. this rictor

4 17

I was joking with my friend that she was sending Rictor memes during the crucible while she was with Magma and Armor. We need this level of chaos.

Melody: *dies*
Tabitha: lmao check out this meme

0 3

Snake friends! Latest in the zodiac. They’re based on a mashup of a few species. Mostly constrictor in the face though.

3 6

please let rictor keep these two bitchy snakes i just think it'd be neat

0 3

pour a mimosa out for shatterstar, who was only able to live his best life as rictor's himbo boytoy boyfriend for six issues in 2018 before they got broken up for no reason again

5 17

also love how rictor's powers in this run are both "i can just send planes of vibration through whatever and wreck shit like that" and "earthbending"

1 9

god i love thinking about rictor learning about the alamo (because i highly doubt it has any place in mexican culture anywhere comparable to its place in american culture) and being like "god this is gonna make a great snappy comeback someday." and he was RIGHT

2 9

We gonna marry Bobby at any age, fuck Jean Paul cuz he has the chops and sadly Rictor is too 90’s for anyone but Shattybuns.

0 3

So yes Rictor has had relationships with women: his sister/bff Tabby and Rahne. What have these women in common? They were his friends first, he cares/is protective of both of them, he showed vulnerability with them and trusts them which is why they can still be friends today --

1 12

organizing my comics caps... looking at Hank and baby Rictor

2 9

Dazzler, Psylocke, Northstar, Moonstar, Frenzy, Manifold and Howlett NO HE IS NOT WOLVERINE SHUSH

Add Siryn and Rictor for an even swap of the 9.

5 73

boom-boom and rictor friendship is everything to me. they've met since kids and tho they are always calling each other names or arguing, both protect and care about the other. they both act all tough but they know the truth. Also, definition of chaos bff (and mlm/wlw solidarity)

4 22

Tini said Rogue and Rictor are two character whose powers would be affected (get out of control) by Krakoa and now both seem to be "fine" and both seem to have kinda taken [Ä]'s side, just look the parallelism between these panels. So indeed, what's [Ä] planning?

0 6

Stan Excalibur.
Stan druid Rictor.
Stan Rictor.

13 78

JUST LOOK AT THIS BOY FEELING HIS OATS living his best life being in touch with the Earth you go bb HAVE THIS MOMENT 👏🏾 [Rictor in Excalibur Issue 6 by Tini Howard & Marcus To]

5 24

Boom-Boom and Rictor dragging each other and their fashion/style choices will never not be funny

5 22