hailey i- AndYoureGettingIncredibleAtMakeupImSoProudOfYou (T ^ T)

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y'all want sum more fuckin uhhhh risopro ? (younger brat prosciutto HEAVILY inspired by ur local god tier risopro plug 👀)

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slides a LITTLE more risopro at u..

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Nesse desenho, eu pirei nas ideia. O intuito era fazer um violino Steampunk, mas eu coloquei uns elementos ali e aqui, o que acabou virando este instrumento fusão de cordas e sopro. Espero que gostem, e que tenha se encaixado no tema Steampunk.

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Would you look at that; someone made it to Twitch Affiliate. Thank you to all my followers, , all my VIPs, my friends, and everyone that helped me get this far. You all are the MVP, toasts.

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Redoing old drawings, that's my goal in life. I worked on hair effect look :feelingsoproud: !

1 21

A full set of chibis of my personal hero characters by David Jaxon (soproartist).

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W.I.P. Still experimenting with Alcohol Inks this is over a large canvas with a thick layer of gesso applied with palette knife then when dry glazed with Alcohol Ink diluted with Isopropyl.

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Now THIS is interesting to me. Still wet but showing cell structure thanks to isopropyl alcohol. What miracles will tomorrow bring?#LetterstoMyMother

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Ya wanted it, here you have it. Also this is the first pic of kissing I've done without a reference in years AND IT TURNED OUT SO GOOD WHERE DID THESE SKILLS COME FROM

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