When Tom was 7, he proposed to Harry. Harry gave him a rock.

Tom, ever devoted, kept this rock for 10 years.

Duplicity wrote a fic for this which you should also check out! https://t.co/cdJQQqgAeX

47 184

Tom who's too shy for a hug
Harry who has finally found Riddle's weak spot

18 51


21 63

An art of Cybrid's amazing fic, A Dangerous Game. Tom just so desperately wants Harry to abscond with him.

34 170

Fanart for Duplicity's fic, In the Daylight Again, a comic thread

22 119

Tom gets his first hug!! Then gets offended by the fluffy emotions that come with it.

18 118

WEEK 3:Amortentia

"เขาไหน ทำไมฉันได้ยินมาว่าพอตต่างหากที่ใช้กับริดเดิ้ล"

233 304

My Guardian Characters AU
<DO YOU HAVE EGG ?> (1/3)

it's an April fools joke we actually do in Taiwan
call "air doujin"(or false doujin)

149 479

(ย้อนหลัง) Week 1 : Morsmordre






93 109