Finished with the pixel art of Peregrine!! This was a lot of fun, hopefully I'll do some more pixel stuff soon. 😃
I've also designed her a lance that you can see in this piece, I'll upload a proper ref for it once I have some wep designs done for Luca and Erika too! ✨

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i'm not fantastique at wep design but i'm giving it a go lately bc i've been inspired 🙏

aly's canon tome she uses! also can be wep camo if ur listening sega..sega..pls

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折角なんでWEP水着コレクション貼っときますか 新→旧

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今年初WEP絵出来ました 2018年一発目は璃玖です

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wep !!!! а не wip !!!!

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Evo Protoparagon, helms, cape and wep :)

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Wep, but now I'm hungry so I'm gonna make a sandwich.

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I think this would be cool. Balls of light scattered around like fireflies and a wood staff with a leafy book as wep

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やっとまともにデザイン起こせた WEP#2での敵方キャラ「雲隠 忍(クモガクレ シノブ)」

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Feeling real productive today~ almost finished with the armor, then on to the helm and wep

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in love with the red one reminds me of this wep fav wep

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and wow made the wing and for the wep

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a wip of my 1st oc colord it and now fr the wings nd wep wha do u think

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