Updated with Hajimari and Tokyo Xanadu icons! Also, I already put Ys IX spoilers into a separate sub-folder so you don't have to worry about getting spoiled right away now. I'm probably gonna update this frequently since apparently, not everyone can access Falcom's line.

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Madame Xanadu, Vol. 1 11-15, illustrated by Michael William Kaluta, and Scripted by Matt Wagner

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【2月大会のGF 熱い】

18 34

A drag queen Madame Xanadu está sendo investigada pelo jornalista João. A história dela, impregnada pelas ruas de Natal, traz consigo o peso do luto, da dor e do renascimento.

"Madame Xanadu", de , está disponível no Kindle Unlimited: https://t.co/CMp5SA6P8R

21 153

To be fair, this is a wallpaper in Xanadu Next which is a complete and utter lie.

Though the lie is canonical at least. The lore is an embellishment, so they reflected it in promo art.

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JDxanadu, anime girl version.

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You guys voted, and you chose Rion Kugayama, the strong-willed but lovable idol, as the "Best Girl" of Tokyo Xanadu! Congratulations, and thank you all for voting!

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2020年5月9日(土)に九州の福岡県久留米市・久留米シティプラザにて開催の東方Project同人作品展示即売会「東方久遠境 ~Xanadu in Frontier.」のフライヤーイラストが届きました!たこさんによる素敵なイラストです!
現在サークル参加申込受付中です! https://t.co/XjqqrI7pLv

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Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (Steam) is $9 on Gamersgate https://t.co/RWcUgEdfBS

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I found a half working debug room in Tokyo Xanadu eX+

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【スタッフBLOG更新!】プロジェクトEGG 2019年の年間ダウンロードランキングを発表!『Revival Xanadu EASY Ver.(日本ファルコム / PC-9801)が1位でした。伝説的A-RPG『ザナドゥ』のリバイバル版、難しさはそのままにグラフィックスやBGMをパワーアップ。


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2020年5月9日(土)、福岡県久留米市にて東方Project同人作品展示即売会「東方久遠境 ~Xanadu in Frontier.」を開催します。|新着情報|東方久遠境 https://t.co/Opcw5G3xPE

20 15

So...Code Lyoko was trending in France today.

Now, it may have been trending for mainly...the wrong reason...but it still was trending. Tons of folks arguing about the show.

I've got something to tell my grandkids WOOHOO

We've survived the Battle of Xanadu
or something

26 85

From the pits of my dA,
it's coming to a store never near you!

I think Xanadu is an Action RPG that unintentionally
feels like a survival horror game. So I decided to put that blue doggo in there. Logical design.

Them ancient game ad/posters.

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【フォロー&RTで応募】JILUKAのタオル+サイン色紙プレゼント!多彩な音楽要素を自在に組み込んだ、名刺代わりとなる全18曲の初ベスト・アルバム『XANADU』に迫ったインタビュー&動画メッセージ公開中!【11/26まで何度でも応募可】#JILUKA https://t.co/UgkUOu8ywm

69 23

【フォロー&RTで応募】JILUKAのタオル+サイン色紙プレゼント!多彩な音楽要素を自在に組み込んだ、名刺代わりとなる全18曲の初ベスト・アルバム『XANADU』に迫ったインタビュー&動画メッセージ公開中!【11/26まで何度でも応募可】#JILUKA https://t.co/UgkUOu8ywm

65 22

Ys: Memories of Celceta is $18.74 on Humble https://t.co/lP6OL6CmhO
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA $38.99 https://t.co/Ap6txSBgg9
Xanadu Next $7.49 https://t.co/w7XScYaKrE
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ $11.99 https://t.co/6raU7Dxdnp

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