A very late contribution, I can rest in peace now

86 275

welp I’m shit with deadlines but happy grimmichi Day~<3 ; ;

33 174

I'm surprised no one's noticed the "bad religion" poster in my grimmichi drawing! 👀 i couldnt resist paying homage to the live action movie - IMO, Sôta Fukushi done an amazing job portraying Ichigo 💕

7 84

Forgot to add this little edit for the GrimmIchi shipper 😁

Same, Ichigo. Same.

128 407

Happy GrimmIchi day✨I love those two so much that I can't put it in words adequately.

I personally don't ship them but I enjoy the Fanart. It's combining my two favorite characters from my all time favorite series 💕

20 110


he thought he was getting a hug, he thought wrong

153 536


happy grimmichi day, i can't draw kissing so i drew the aftermath

guess which idiot started it 🧡💙✨

292 910

Bit of an AU,,, Grimm is stuck half transformed into the beyond resurreccion and now Ichigo and him need to find a way to fix it;;; while dealing with his new instincts and cat quirks~<3

15 59

I haven't let go of mermay yet so heres in a cup.

10 71

HHhhhhhhhhhhhh grimmichi...........

0 4

Did another piece, this time it’s 💙🧡 file this under ‘things I wasn’t expecting to ship but damn that fic was good’

0 2

Happy birthday to me! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!

Thanks for the birthday commission! Love it!!

Can't have a birthday without shirtless (or close too it) anime men right?

47 311

[#Grimmichi Happy mermay guys!! 🙌This was fun as fuck

48 198

Second piece in the 1950s Au inspired by the song Young Blood - 5 Seconds of Summer

5 13

Grimmjow if you hurt him there will be MURDER. I LOVE THIS SWEET RED HEAD

28 92

I couldn't decide which was better so I got both! XD thank you for putting up with my indecisiveness ❤️

⭐ Check out Taming A Beast! A bleach GrimmIchi BDSM fic with the consent you've been looking for! ⭐


16 61