Il faut savoir que préserver son anonymat nécessite de s'isoler pour répondre aux interviews.

Extrait Dossiers Médicaux - Tome 2 - Hachette - AchetezMesBDellesSontBien

2 95

In Brittany, garlic was once said to cure toothache if crushed and introduced into the ear. It was also used against intestinal worms and croup. That cooked in the bonfires of Midsummer was said to be a most effective treatment against fevers.

9 36

I have a toothache and broken my leg right now, the word I can say how I feel right now is "terrible".

0 5

Mad props for pushing through that stomachache! Make sure you eat plenty, a healthy snek is a happy snek :)

4 161

UGH! I had toothache for a large chunk of lockdown 1 when dentists were shut...I came very close to going DIY with a monkey wrench! Hope you get seen soon.

0 5

déjà 4 tomes indispo dans les stocks de Hachette, une réimpression anticipé? Faut doubler la quantité pour la prochaine. j'ai déjà une idée des appels téléphonique dans les semaines a venir, avec pour seul réponse"ils sont indisponible, désolé"

2 6

Thank you for the chance. I have toothache atm so I feel your pain.

0 1

on continue de rattraper les Globimon avec Hacheltroi et Pinoris

1 5

очень интересный заказ, демонстрирующий пластичность моего стиля в полной мере 🧐


0 9

✨Diminish my Reign from 2006✨by Hachette
~The amount of spider webs~

0 1

🌈Just seen that is cover is up online so I'm going to share it! :) Did a cute little book with that comes out next year with Hachette.🌞

More info here:

5 57


I had a terrible toothache for a few days and if you know what pulpitis is you know the drill. So! I lived and thought "why I can draw a horny Parikite?"
And so I did.

3 38

Let's just say she has a toothache

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мои любимые девочки из Совиного дома 🥺👉👈


4 80

Day 3 stranded on Earth. The food here is pretty good. I ate too much and got a stomachache.

1 1

✨ New Year's Kiss

Je te prépare mon dernier baiser de l'année et le premier de l'année suivante HacheAuLait !🙈😍
Et toi, qui vas-tu embrasser à minuit ?


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