Anyone craving sushi today? 🍣 Saito looks so yummy! 😋

🐱Do you know when Saito first appeared in Castle Cats?

Thanks to for the amazing picture! 💖

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Little pixel of a beautiful SushiCat ♥ Loved working on this pixel commission ;v;

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タンカースねこパーカー | TeppachiCat Tactical

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みんニャ、どえれぇニュースだよ!Castle Catsが、遂に日本にやってくるぜ!満を持しての来日を記念して、新しい猫を紹介するよ!その名もサイトウ。俺たちのブランニャウな寿司キャットだ!ウィーーー!

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A from a month ago that I finally got around to painting tonight. u/rhicats

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Hi. This is just your daily reminder that this image exists. You're welcome. Thanks

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hey whats up i have amassed a furry collection over the span of 3 days dont @ me

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