Finished version 😳🙈 damn

1. White version
2. Dark version
3. White with filter
4. Dark with filter

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Coping. Characters! In order you have Frann, Verica, Dorothy and Emilia. There is 6 in total so 1/2

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So. Amberlee and Eleanora. I absolutely adore this piece because it has a bunch of lore stuff in it. Plus it’s just- pretty. This piece got me seriously into lighting. Thank you :)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMMI! Holy crap, I need to draw Ammi more, I’m sorry baby. I thought I’d draw them walking to school because Y’know- they all go to school together.

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Princess and “other girl”, I can’t believe I still haven’t named her. Anyways, I really like how this piece came out :)

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