Meet Brimstone!! A little duder I made using Zbrush and Photoshop //

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💪🏼 One attempt was done after a long day, new technique, and stricter time restraint. The other was done well-rested, more familiar technique, and extended time. aren’t art-making robots, as much as we want to be sometimes. Make mistakes and grow!

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Trying to practise for some commissions coming up.
Somehow this turned into 's face.

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Practicing drawing eyes. Absolutely loving this style!~ Shoutout to for creating the wonderful tutorial that inspired these! 💖

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More hands! This time based on photo reference

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Made a lot of progress in my practice tonight, hoping to do more tomorrow!

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trying to tell myself "You dont suck, youre just a bit rusty"
Some quick portrait studies

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Been playing with over the last couple of days. Found and was inspired to create this.

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