Art trade with jOO

I finished it really fast imsorry LMAO i hope you like it though ><

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[ I Can't See The Point Of This + What I Am Supposed To Feel + Nothing ] OR "Breaking the Pink Glasses"... Just wanted to try something more uh... bitter? Imsorry💥

17 73

Thank you for giving me the idea to redraw your Mascot as a monster. 😂❤ TWAZ SUPER FUN! (Sorry for the nightmarefuel ! 😭❤ He won't hurt cHu! He'll headpat chu uwu)

1 5

this one is spooky imsorryifitis.

This is just an adult form of a gacha taum i got from trade X//d another new beloved!

7 36

7th pair of bros!
Featuring: !
SP by Kkhoppang


1 17

when you're browsing /r/imsorryjon and watching showing golden ratio geogebra art at the same time.

There is order in the universe, Jon.

1 4

Deku? More like dekuwu 😳

2 9

just drew some good old fashioned garf -

1 11

4chan Request of adult Pacifica Nortwest :O!

i been drawing 2 much blondies lately, whats next ?


3 21

I can not ask for forgiveness Jon for I am not sorry.

3 21

Garage Band update! (for teen readers)

Not another Nirvana reference...

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