Merci et notamment Julien Foussereau pour le petit encadré sur Les Mystères de
Du coup, le livre se retrouve Selec :) (ça a l'air cool)

4 9


40 98

2019/9/21(土)開催のKey Island 2(鍵島2) に申し込みました!

38 78

Der abendliche Ausblick am See in Lugano versetzt mich unweigerlich in Stimmung...

6 25

◆Key Island2(鍵島)の申込完了しました。


27 56

Some Guybrushes I drew this week

1 12

I forgot to upload the queen!

1 16

My favorite outfits of Guybrush from movie

0 3

Mark Ferrari pushes the use of pixel-by-pixel drawing in its entrenchments. It is necessary to imagine that each background was realized with the mouse on

0 5

In 1989, Ron Gilbert asked him to work on The Secret of and make most of the fantastic Backgrounds of the game (a marvel of Pixel Art). It's definitely Mark that will give the atmosphere of Melee Island (and the game!).

1 11

El arte de Steve Purcell en "Monkey Island". Qué preciosidades. ❤️

9 28

I... have a lot of feelings towards these last two days...

1 3

And some more cancelled movie project...

2 9