J'continue d'apprendre à utiliser c'est de plus en plus plaisant !
Pour une fois un petit chat avec les yeux blancs, parce que je trouve ça flippant et stylé à la fois =)

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J'ai pris la version d'essais de Clip Studio Paint pour voir ce que ça vaut, et j'ai fait Alstroemeria ! J'aime beaucoup le rendu, même si je reste dubitative quant à l'utilité du logiciel comparé à Krita, qui est déjà pas mal...

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Finished this one today during stream as I tried out Krita, it was fun doing an art stream and I need to do more of those! Next I might do a werewolf Tracer as one of the viewers suggested. Thank you all for stopping by!

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Se parece a Eevee pero no tenía la intención de que se pareciese tanto xd lo juro.
Este dibujo es el resultado de usar Krita, para el sombreado aún no he encontrado la mejor herramienta para hacerlo así que se queda sin sombrear en muchos lugares..

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Dibujo de la versión Regla 63 de mi OC, Simón... Es básicamente mi primer dibujo digital hecho en Krita, y pues siento que me quedo "meh" pero espero mejorarlos en un futuro... Igual espero les guste :3

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J'ai fait mon tuto ! Alors je travaille sur Krita, mais je pense que c'est faisable sur d'autres logiciels également, et si vous avez des avis dessus, n'hésitez pas ! :D

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2017 (3): El primero, regalo de cumpleaños para una amiga, el último es un personaje que cree de la nada mientras probaba Krita, un programa de dibujo.

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doodling in krita, trying to get comfy with the tools

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Práctica en krita, creo que no está mal :y

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"...welcome home, Pink"
Some practice done with still getting used to it.

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Mf yesterday when my old laptop stopped running win10, so I snapped and replaced it with ubuntu, tried to work on comms with krita, nvm it keeps crashing too, and when i fixed it to run smoothly, thunder storm arrives and power cuts off every 5 mins from cintiq

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While trying out deevad's brushes in Krita, I went a little too far with a practice sketch, and now it's a Lilac, oops. (3b paint brush is now my default brush!)

So have an early morning sketch!

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Currently learning Krita, here is an obligatory June drawing as i stumble my way around this program.

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Et boop ! Un poney ! J'ai voulu essayé le dessin digital avec Krita, et... Ouais c'est plutôt sympa même si mon domaine c'est le pixel art, mais ça fait du bien de varier un peu de temps en temps

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Dear Thank you for introducing me to Krita, i finally found the perfect drawing awp i was looking for, this piece was inspired by your artstyle... kinda

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A frame-by-frame jump cycle animation I made several months ago in still remember the pain of animating those stripes

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Still pretty mad that Libbie didn't make it to the LibreOffice mascot contest finals (which became a hot mess later on). It's an amazing design by , an amazing artist and very few I know committed to FOSS. Made on Krita, finishing touches on GIMP.

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I watched an episode of Bob Ross today, and followed along on krita, and the results are just... wow. I will definitely be doing this again

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Ok! So trying yet another paint program. Krita, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Testing things out with this. Now back to work

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i drew my son™ from my thesis film in the blending is real nice!

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