That mf… For such a long time, whenever Leez and people around her talked about how certain people were trying to drag her name down, I was wondering why the name Kubera was seen like that but now I see that was not the name they're trying to topple

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The kind and quiet person's silent fury always shuts people up

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Stfu Indra, you only say that bc you find Nastikas more useful than humans

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OMG, Surya just earned massive points from me💗 He's so right in every word he said and anyone with an ounce of pride would be destroyed by them, meaning not Indra but still what a king

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Let's fucking go, Surya‼ He deserved that

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The thing that disgusts me the most is he can go and commit heinous crimes like that with no restraints bc he can just pin those sins on Ananta

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Yeah, I wanna punch him as well

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"Guys, yeah I ended life on 11 planets but ofc I didn't know Ushas would be caught in the crossfire. If I knew, I'd murder everyone when she was not there😃" like that's the fucking problem here🙃😒

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It really was him‼ Yama, my beloved💚 expose this mf

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Yesss get rekt Indra, leave the king's body alone

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Hell yeah!! I knew that the way he taught Maruna about Ananta magic could be a foreshadowing of him having a contract with Ananta but holy crap, I didn't expect it to come up like that

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He's gone??? What's going on here

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Kubera⁉️ Did he come here bc he noticed Indra's interference, I wonder

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She's the one who's trembling…

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Nice observation, my boy. Also, that time, huh🤔🤔

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Omfg, Marut this is the only good thing that came out of your mouth so far‼ Yeah since Ananta arrived at the scene in such a scary way, I completely believed that it had to be him but I always found it odd that he was talking about how his efforts disappear so easily

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