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HIHIHI,,,, ,,dappy,,,dipps,,,my friend,,,
as a thank you for being the person to most consistently interact with my stuff,,,i give you,,,H I M

7 27

Couldnt let Goemon hang without one.
Not too happy about the lines, work in progress i guess

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Loose doodles! I haven't done these in forever and they are a pain! Anyways, bonus Lupin fish for you!

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Happy new years my vacation is over and im once again trying to motivate myself to draw
Heres with a pokemon team of and
Might do more of these if it helps me actually get up and draw

1 9

Redrew my favorite frame from the part 2 opening. He’s thinking about Oatmeal oh my god

11 28

大晦日(New Year’s Eve)の貫一さん(ルパン)と幸一さん - カラー版

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Last drawing of the year, first time trying painting in CSP✨ Hotaru taking care of Jigen 🥺

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I was so excited when I got for lupin secret santa! Your work constantly blows me away and I’m happy to have a chance to make you something fun 😭✨#LupinTheThird

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good afternoon lupin takes jigen's cigarette directly out of his mouth to put into his own so many times i've started just imagining this every single time he does it

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