As much as I hate Meteorology, it is amazing!

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東日本で新属新種のクラゲ Meteorona kishinouyeiが発見される。標本は福島県相馬市&小名浜町と神奈川県藤沢町で採集


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Upper low progged off coast of northern Chile next week one of the more anomalous meteorological events I've seen.

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Mountain Cloud on Fuji Mountain - Photo by Rosi Granada

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Swackett salutes James D. Cantore - National Weatherperson’s Day; an American meteorologist from The Weather Channel.

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"Equinox" Mixed Media on Box Canvas 36"x24" Part of my Meteorology Series. For Sale or Offer -

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Crazy sun showers/Epic Thunderstorms today.I'm no Meteorologist but I'm pretty sure this is actually happening ;)

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