fans !!!!!!! Im sodapop and I like nerofau a normal amount ( I wrote a 14k nerofau fic that I will release once ao3 let's me in 😢) I draw sometimes too 💖ALSO I LIKE OWEN A LOT 💗💖 HEHE FOLLOW ME~

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( // )

The Jolly Musician of the West, Cantarelle!

(finally im done to all of my mhykyume ocs redraws!!)

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25. june bride 2022 ssr ~ swanna

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말랑님(@ marrang_mhyk) 의 <파라로이는 4글자니까 4컷만화>의 축전을 그렸습니다~! 감사합니다~~

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Faust - mhyk

I relate to him a lot. im sure if we meet irl we would either be good friends or just not talk to each other... But he seems like a very warm and comfy person. I can't explain well but I love faust dearly w all my heart and i would definitely date him irl


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mhyk 因縁 

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[ mhyk yume ]

Post art lama aja karena adminnya gasempat gambar art baru, ini sedikit terlambat tapi happy birthday Rutile<3

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HALO HALOO!! Aku aurel sedang mencari teman barUU yeah main fandom ku enstars n mhyk! Aku ngeyume btw n suka gambar juga ehe bwat selebihnya boleh baca carrd ku dulu ( kalo cocok AYOO MUTUALAN 😆😆🌷

Bantu promosiin donk kk

28 13

Happy birthday Rutile💕
This was a part of a series for the older version of mhyk younger characters
Have a 30, or maybe +100 years old Rutile!


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オリジナルキャラクター in まほやく世界観

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( ocs ) ehehe this is my mhyk oc their name is marnie :3

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