Sério isso foi mágico, espero MUITO por mais experiências iguais e até melhores que essa, MUUITO !!!💛💛💛

166 1565

Bom, o RPG acabou e foi uma das melhores coisas que eu já assisti, eu fiquei tão imersivo na história, chorei e ri de vários momentos com os personagens, torci que pelo menos alguns deles saíssem bem. Obrigado aos Players, obrigado mestre e a equipe de OSNF.

22 106

Of course, because I was talking to Yona and Ocellus today, I need to watch my favorite "Student 6" episode before going to bed ("What Lies Beneath".)

0 0

55. Ose dan Crocell awalnya adalah karakter kami untuk grup roleplay gambar di facebook!

10 81

【譲渡】一番コフレ ツキウタ Myth×Kiss Collaboration



19 0

Met malem semuanya! Malem ini author L hadir ngebajak twitter bareng Crocell, ngegantiin author C yang lagi ngerjain tugas~

20 170

ファンクラブカード ツキウタ。Procellarum SixGravity 月野亭特典 ブロマイド FT フェアコレ
直助 英知 春 望 大 二葉 郁

0 0

Attack Ocella
Original design is from

6 63

Ose dan Flauros adalah iblis kembar. Keduanya berasal dan tumbuh besar di laboratorium Belphegor. Ketika Belphegor ada wacana membuat kloningan (Crocell), dia menguji kedua hellbeast ini dalam rangka mencari bodyguard untuk kloningannya kelak (cont)

5 47

me toca
Te querías burlar de la muerte, pero tus actos la hicieron enojar, cegándote para no librarte de ella, te diste cuenta tarde y te dejaste llevar por esas cálidas manos de la muerte

💀ElRichMC mortuus est, rocella dolore incipit💀
[Eso no a sido muy ey ey ey de tu parte]

34 144

「Paint It Black」Six Gravity
「White Sparks」Procellarum


48 231

Its kinda hard because I only have a few fav characters for yellow

1) Claude Von Riegan from Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
2) Nagatsuki Yoru from Procellarum
3) Okui Tsubasa from SolidS
4) Kagamine Rin and Len from Vocaloid https://t.co/x80n1RJpDF

0 5

JADI ceritanya setelah sekian lama mereka bertemu kembali... Marc, Val, Orias, dan Crocell pun saling berpelukan...

tapi karena merasa gerah, akhirnya Val mengeluarkan jutsunya...

12 31

☆ハッピーバースデー 涙さん!

139 730

42. Desain baru Halphas, Crocell, dan Orias sebelum season 3 rilis

19 154

This is perhaps the most beautiful artwork of Ocellus I ever seen. It looks amazing & makes me wanna love her even more as my Favorite Young/Student 6 character. 💙

I hope loves this.


3 13