Perhaps because I'm a cat person, I'm attracted to otoge LIs who are also a cat person. 😻😽😸

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I can confirm that Odysseus has a dog... but said doggo only gets a mention, sadly. He left his good boi back home🐶

What we do have a lot of are ducks🦆

(And by 'we', I guess I mean 'me' cause I'm ridin' solo...🥲)

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I’m live on twitch, we are on Ichiya’s second board, I’m excited to continue his story!

Join me if you want :)

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if you would ever make a live drama of please let be
He has all the qualities to be and he is born for the role🥰🥰


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Character intro#2!

Meet our one and only love interest... Odysseus.

Yeah. The only one.

Just Odysseus.

... What? His name sounds familiar?

Well, he is indeed quite notorious😉

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They are the oldest LIs in otoge I've ever played. Hanzo is 33, still passable for him to look young. Nobushige, however, he is around 47-48 years old! Even older than Rindo who is 42! I know in otoge you gotta make the LI look young, but still, shocked. 😅

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The Closet Door Fun Fact
Yuki and her son are characters heavily influenced by the Japanese folklore of the Yuki-onna
(and with that, I'm done with numbering these XD)

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Character intros for my upcoming otome VN, PreOdyssey, cause why not?

Here is Penelope, our MC.

She likes ducks🦆

That's all you need to know.

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Speaking of Hakuoki and cats, Kazama claims to be a dog person in SSL. Ironically, he's often being shown more together with cats than dog. And another irony, Kaoru, who's Okita's nemesis, is a cat person in SSL.

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I'm close to writing the climax+finale of the script, so I think I can announce my NaNo project now-

Do you know Iliad? The Odyssey?

Nope. It's not about those.

Odysseus is here though. Also we have ducks.

I blame FGO

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THROWBACK. Faun's original concept art. Based on beautiful people and art that I hadn't even realized yet, impacted me so greatly. 💗

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besides that I love all these characters, what do they have in common? Who knows becomes a <3 ✨😂😊

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I realized something. I usually dislike yandere like, for example, Toma and Kuroyuki. And yet, I like Yang, finding him more charming even though he no doubt have done even more horrible things compared to them. Am I weird? 🤔😅

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r u telling me THIS man would not destroy my🐱???

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Hey there Friends and Fandom, we have made it to the Semi-Finals of 2022! Comment below to vote for your favorite in each set. Most votes in each set moves on to the Final round. Semi-Final ends on Thursday March 24

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Happy very late birthday to Lin, the tallest nerd in this game (or is Risu just short)

also yes everyone in Heart Sigil Elchemia's birthday is on a Meaningful Date, but some of the meanings are stupid

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So close to unlocking the Piofiore crew! (Which are my favs so I really, really want to make them 😭)

Thank you for all the shares so far, it has helped so much! 💖

Kickstarter here:

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very belated happy birthday to tokisada! cuz i haven't done a really rendered piece like this in a while and kept procrastinating :'(

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also now live! LET'S SIMP

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