"I don't have healing tears like you, but-"

finally some art 😭

31 146

Спасибо,за эту историю. будет тяжело осознать,что она полностью закончилась🌸

4 22

I can’t believe we've come this far

Thank you & the crewniverse for the amazing ride ❤ Can’t even begin to explain how much this show means to me.

5 69

i am my monster : thank you steven universe

그냥 수정했어요...ㅜㅜ

675 2776

Its been years with 5 season, 160 eps, months of multiple waits for new eps, a movie, and a spin off and finally Steven Universe has ended. Farewell Steven Universe well meet again possible another spin-off or reboot. Good-bye.

0 0

Thank you and all the people that worked on this show. I've been watching Steven Universe since 2014 and it has helped me with a lot of things in my life.

3 6

There always seems to be at least one error in series finales, like here Sour Cream's phone isn't even colored in.

0 0

"Remember, we will always be your family"

Thank you so much Rebecca Sugar for this wonderful show, I absolutely loved it, from the bottom of my heart <3

7 24

Thank you crewniverse for this amazing show

3 3

Steven universes over, but will be in our hearts forever! So thank you for creating this amazing show, thanks for everyone involved on it, this show changed my life! Thanks everyone!

1 6

termino steven universe future así que quise hacer un redraw de esta escena por la ocasión

4 22