I'm so addicted to and 's Moebius-inspired work on Silver Surfer Annual Simply beautiful and one of a kind.

9 37

I hate that my work has had to take a back seat to life issues... but here is and the

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Today is the day. Annual is now at your disposal. Enjoy.

43 212

This speech would have been perfect for

"All over the Universe! I can feel them! They're all dying! Billions upon billions of souls are blinking out of existence! Not one knew what struck them! Horrible! I could taste their dread and confusion!"

32 81

Hey Disney/Marvel/20thCenturyFox, voglio SUBITO un film per Silver Surfer e uno per il Dottor Destino!!

8 13

I dont have bad memories about Lim's art in SilverSurfer, but now, seeing in perspective, is overrated. Apart Big John and the recent by Allred, one of my TOP favorite is the Ron Garney's version, who had scripts of JMdeMatteis.

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Is love a dream? Can Norrin Rad ever attain the touch of one always out of reach? Or is this to be yet another sans

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Oh Norrin, what have you done now? Not a very for the Sentinel of the Spaceways, but definitely a heartbreaking one for poor, tragic

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My destiny is predestined... And where she beckons, the Silver Surfer will fly there!

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