The amount of power and elegance in these panels 😍
Art by Marc Silvestri.

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Anyone else wanna see the X-Men kick these jackasses around some more?
Bless Silvestri for some of their designs though.
But geez they are awful.

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New post (【大原浩】特定野党を含むアベノセイダーズが行っているのは、証拠なしの見込み捜査のようなもの [Felis silvestris catus★]) has been published on ド外道速報 -

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Marc Silvestri

Usando onomatopéia como estrutura (quadros), para descrever movimento (a queda), como som e demonstrando a sensação física do impacto (ocupa toda a página)

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7: lyra arcturus

chinese, bioengineer. she specializes in human cybernetics and similar technology. she's very lonely due to her standoffish nature, and seeks close relationships, frequently paying her acquaintance silvestre to spend time with her. even just conversations. hmm.

3 8

An amazing “#AvengersInfinityWar” and “#AvengersEndgame” Score Double Pack Vinyl; with extraordinary artwork!

I will definitely be getting one of these, even though I do own both on Digital and CD!

8 19

Remember in the 80s when everyone swooned over blonde mullets and tight pants?

Hell of a decade.

Art by Marc Silvestri.

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Bang orded the Marvel Box set with Alan Silvestri Score to the Endgame and Infinity War .

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Remember that time Maddie hit Greycrow in the face with a food tray, took his gun and then pulled it on Scrambler?

Give us this Maddie back.

Art by Marc Silvestri.

9 59

🌺Les roses silvestres, com la Rosa canina, són l'origen de les roses cultivades.
Per descobreix algunes de les que podem trobar per tot


🖼 Jana Farré

12 27

E nel bosco sacro, nell'orrido degli alberi,
Maestosamente eretti, i Marmi oscuri, Dèi,
Sulla cui fronte l'Uccello Silvestre ha il suo nido,
- Gli Dèi ascoltano l'Uomo, e il Mondo infinito!
A.Rimbaud -Credo in unam

Buon pomeriggio🌹

49 82

Silvester - Has gone through way too much shit but deals with it with a sarcastic self-deprecating flair. Loves vintage stuff and dresses so. Secretly LARPs but if anyone finds out he'd die of embarrassment. As if THAT'S the most embarrassing thing abt him

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✦ marvel swimsuit special (1992)
art by marc silvestri.

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This sort of narrative technique became popular in the 1950s in the wake of Cold War paranoia. We see it manifest extensively in pulp SF of the time (such as Philip K Dicki’s “Imposter”) or in many of the EC Comics werewolf stories (something Silvestri riffs on beautifully). 2/4

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Cygnet Siblings by Karen Silvestri

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Luna rosa.

La “Luna Rosa” NO significa que la veremos de este color. Se la denomina así porque los nativos americanos daban este nombre a las Lunas llenas del comienzo de la primavera. Ellos se inspiraron en las flores silvestres Phlox, que florecen justo en esta estación.

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I had a hard time making my mind for my character Silvester, Fighter/Bard, but at least the head is now done.
I had such a nice time playing with and and can't wait to play again!

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Estoy super contenta con este dibujo, me gusta muchísimo el resultado, le puse mucho amor 🐰💜🐰💜🐰
Usé hortensias, jazmines silvestres, plumbago azúl o jazmín del cielo y flores de cerezo.

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The Frazetta horror style adds a great deal to the defining arc of Silvestri’s run (and possibly Claremont’s for that matter): Inferno, giving the hellish nightmare depicted a sense of spectacle that is genuinely hypnotic (even as it is terrifying), bordering on the sublime. 5/5

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