hello is anyone planning on hosting a batch order/split for the pokemon swsh trainer plushies... or do you know anyone who is hosting one? pls lmk.... i want bede so badly ;_; willing to pay for shipping and my split as well :^) tagging so people could see em or smn

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1/16 いっぽ 16〜22時
1/25 夢闘麻雀大会


2/1 カボ大宮店 15〜21時
2/9 SMN CUP 名古屋
2/16 RAKURAKU 13〜20時

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THE BOYS AAAA Koh teaching F'umi how to SMN has been a nightmare LOL he is more concerned with looking GOOD

17 56

“What are you looking at?”
Femroe + Nier casting coat = best look for my smn.
I love this chest piece and the ara ara vibe it gives my femroe!

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Old comic!
A 6-WHM alliance run?
Savage/ex pf with WHM x [Open spot]?
But when I queue as the other healers I---

Also playing as a SMN with another SMN in dungeons kinda puts me off-rhythm too aaa

Characters in this comic are my guildmates !!

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can we talk about how fkn cute this smn glam would be IF I COULD AFFORD A SINGLE POT OF PURE WHITE DYE.........

also aye I got the 2b coffer

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My SMN dong is very happy! Egi Assaults being GCD made overcapping on Ruin 4's possible so that's fun - and Ruin 2? never heard of her. Melee pets being scaled as caster pets might be a lil TOO strong but hey I'll take it 😏

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Second Draught 'Bo for ! This time Gaolynn as a Summoner with her grumpy Ifrit Egi (now a Ruby Carbuncle)!
SMN is my main DPS and I approve of this Chocobo \o/!!

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SMN CUP楽しかった〜〜!!!

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My FFXIV Avatar!

This is the first time I was able to seriously illustrate her in full body and in personal favorite glam! ^-^)

I main WHM, but SMN is my favorite FF job in general!

Got the chance to play SMN this 5.0 and I wanted art for her to celebrate! *-*)9

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Finally a proper drawing of my bunny, gave up on phoenix hence the blurry mess....

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got smn/sch to 70 and sch is ok actually
im rEALLY GLAD To bring back the ala mhigan healing set !!!!

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I made a viera lady based on my old void elf from WoW because I’m weak and I miss her and the galaxy tendrils they had were cool. Her name is Kafei~

SMN + BLM = void witch? Voidsent summoning? 🤔

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this is what smn looks like when someone complains their job is hard

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