My first peace for I'm trying my best to catch up now that I am back from vacation!

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5 F̨̳̮̫͍̼U̗̺̳N͔͚̜̣̩ ͖͍̤̰̣̱̖͘I̤̥̝͘S͉̟̪̬͖̥͢ ̖̳I̛̲̰̩̗͓̬̥N̗̹͕͈F̠͡I͉̳͎N̴͕̺͉̳̰̜I͟T̸E̦͎ 5

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day 4: mania

i couldnt decide which one i liked more, the ones with the white background are supposed to be transparent

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day 3: alternate universe

....where infinite comes back and is nice :)

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Hey, I might as well! Here's my first 3 days of Unfortunately I didn't have time today to draw for prompt 4, but I'll try to catch up later!
Prompts: Day 1 - Chaos
Day 2 - Costume (Or Copy Ability?)
Day 3 - Alternate Universe (#FMA crossover AU)

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DOLOR algo rapido de nuevo y prueba de pinceles acuarelas

HD ---->

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Day 3: alternate universe
It counts, right?????

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Hehehe XD Later, but this is my second drawing for the day 2:Custom

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day 1: Chaos
So I saw people were drawing Chaos and some drew Fleetway, so I was like "WHY NOT BOTH" and so here we are. XD
I was originally gonna keep it a sketch but then my mind thought "why not lineart it" then "why not slap shading on it". :"D

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Here's Sonictober Day "Costume". Ironic how the sonic recolor dresses up as a ninja recolor.

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Day 1: Chaos

I saw everyone else doing Chaos for this one, so I decided to try somethin' different and went with this yellow hog! So here it is!

..It didn't really come out how I wanted it, but I like it still.

(Speedpaint coming soon!)

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