So it’s & I decided to draw one of my ace characters! :D His name is Ben & he’s a teenage dragon! How fitting~ (oh & he’s also aromantic, so yeah!!)

🖤💜Remember to love yo aces, aros & everyone in between! 💚🖤

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👓 Secretary Sam ☕️
(Outfit is Based on a Tumblr Prompt: …)

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Based on a Request from Tumblr: My OCs Dru + Jeremy and the QUACK Palette!
Palette Post:

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Commissioned some new icons from ! :D I LOVE THEM!!

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So this was my first attempt drawing Hannah with the CORRECT wing pattern
It was also my first attempt at drawing Hannah performing magic

Personally, I love how this piece came out, and I'm actually SUPER proud of this one :)

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Enjoy a lovely young, turtle-lovin' Toni on your timeline~ 🐢
Thank for the request/inspiration :))

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I feel like I haven’t drawn an oc in FOREVER!

And it’s great because I haven’t really ever drawn Tom before so NEW CHARACTER (kind of)!

Enjoy this break from my constant flow of Homestuck fanart~ (I promise to get back to my old ways SOON)

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