Whenever my opponent's at either high % or kill positions and I parry their move, this is my rollercoaster of emotions:
1. The parry
2. The tryhard mode
3. The kill
4. The inner smug

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Happy Birthday bingung wishnya apaan tapi moga yang baik” dateng ke lu semua deh wkwkwk btw ini ada bikin fanart barusan... kagak mirip yaudalaayaa udh tryhard kok ini wkwk, met ultah Nandaisuki

5 10

✧ char. species: Himalayan Wolf!
✧ additional info: ZG's face markings match Wolf Link's, and is generally a cool / reserved character. They're a really big tryhard / perfectionist and play competitive Smash Bros :0

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i may be half deaf but i still maintain that tryhardninja sound like michael jackson and you cant change my mind

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should i tryhard the cloth shading.....¿?¿

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Lo más probable es que mañana empieze a trabajar, así que el smash no estará tan presente en mis días pero intentaré hacerme el tiempo para tryhardear uwu, a darlo todo

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A comic with lyrics (song is Find the pieces by that started as a small experiment but became something greater.
Part 2 in replies.

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Hey y'all ! New little She Ra strip ! That's the first of a series, which Entrapta tryhard this ... new experiment 😎

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Was anybody else a massive tryhard on these, or is that just me?

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Surtout qu'il dit que les gens veulent prendre du plaisir mais que les tryhard gâchent le bail, moi je m'amuse que quand je tryhard, jouer pour perdre ça sert à rien

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I've been seeing a more and more friends play so I might have to pick it up in a week when servers are a lil better and for some drunk streams...

Also for any tryhards, check out these emotes by which are all available on his patreon for $10!

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- Thank you all so much for the kind comments. I'm doing the "write - delete - rewrite" thing again because I feel like whoever reads this feels "sold to". But at the same time I really want to be noticed... 🤡

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So maybe I'm a tryhard

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ghandagoza por favor deja de ser un tryhard tan cool me estás dando ganas de volver a coger fighter en pso2 y nadie quiere eso

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