A Window To Their World.

Composer Neku AU: Doodles form Aug 2020 that I wanted to finish but never got around to them. Played with using the TWEWY frame borders being a way to see the RG/UG. Pretend you can tell he's looking at RG folks walking around.

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"Once you see the real me...will we still be friends?"

"I've already collected your second entry fee this time you'll be playing for...Shiki Misaki"

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open for erishiki lesbianism

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⚠ Warnings: Brief flashing, eyes

"Hmm? You seein' something? Must be... Yer Imagination."

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Composer style development over the year-ish!

Commentary will be added below

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Not Your Joshua

Composer Neku AU: Happens after their initial meeting and before the visit to Neku’s DGP. All in one below

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My life is complete now.

(Actually, no it isn't because we still need Beat. And RG!Shiki. But you get the point.)

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Unused panel from C!Neku Rest comic. Intended to have Josh look away when Neku brings up (Neku’s) Mr. H at the beginning but cut it due to space & the hair felt off. Felt more flowy than the usual feel of a mess of curls. But really there's nothing wrong with it

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Ok fine, ill share the other ones too. Even though these are so old (and I can see all the flaws) it does make me smile seeing these outfits again.

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Composer Neku AU: Potential goodbye scene

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What if there was a way to speak directly to Shibuya/the District through the Composer?

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Shibuya says hi...through the Composer!

Put my favourites for eye variations in the solo pictures

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Took a tiny break from my next twewy screencap to doodle some outfits for shiki and Rhyme. Feels nice to jump back into brighter colors again ❤

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