— Immediately raining down as the God of Thunder concluded swinging his fists, Mjolnir plummeted toward Monkie Kid with the purpose of rendering him completely and utterly unconscious.

The forecast was Uru steel.

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I mentioned in a previous that i headcanoed Kovu having a similar look to another Prince Consort of the Pridelands, so here is Ahadi, mate of Queen Uru and father of Mufasa and Scar. He was mentioned in the book Six New Adventures.

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Uru / Break

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— rampaging through the area. Thor knew he had to put a stop to the madness.

Skyrocketing from the heavens above, the All-Father’s descent was attributed with near light speed. Mjolnir led the given path, seeking to collide its uru metal frame against the robot’s head. —

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— Speaking a few words amongst himself, the Asgardian raised his hammer, whilst various bolts of lightning converged atop its uru metal head, imbuing it with a bright, glowing hue. —

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The fact that Uru in Blue never ended up getting made keeps me up at night

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ナチュラルに自分を信じてle..le..le..Let's Go!素敵な1日を🌈🍀☺️💕

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This beautiful fan art depicts Edge and his dragon flying towards the ruins of Uru. Thanks to for contributing.


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Before the enormous strike was able to continue its plummet, it met with uru steel instead. Thor sought to halt the attack head on, and so it was done. A massive wave of wind and debris bursted throughout all directions in an eruption, as —

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Ah yes of course, dogou uru tennis ace https://t.co/iFKxaoULwD

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Alas, a glorious sight to bare! The king’s invasive venture proved a success, whilst both Asgardian steel and uru metal connected with the wall-crawler’s physique.

“Doth thee enjoy the taste of Asgardian steel? Do well to remember this next time thy tongue spouts amuck.” —

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3月12日 しっとりアニソン🎶ガンダム~Uruさんの「フリージア」呪術廻戦~コシュニエさんの「give it back」夏目友人帳~Anlyさんの「星瞬」ギルティクラウン~EGOISTさんの「キミソラキセキ」を歌いました🎤コッコロゎ音源無し歌詞はノートなアナログ配信😱最後の曲ゎ歌い出し忘れ真っ白😱💦続く💖

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Merle’s name in katakana is メルル/Meruru and (per the Dai Perfect Book) is a play on the fact that she’s always teary-eyed (目がウルウル/me ga uru-uru). This aspect of her is really noticeable in the manga, but the anime gives her somewhat more conventional anime eyes.

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「PRINCESS PRINCESSさんの「M」とか、相川七瀬さんの「恋心」または「ROUND ZERO ーBLADE BRAVEー」いける感じだと思うから、挑戦してみるといいですねー。あと、Uruさんの「フリージア」も....」


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Hi I’m Uru, Animals take a huge chunk in my art heart! I particularly love drawing them attached to literary work!

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Dear new followers: Do check out the other members of the vJAGA team, HYIO🐥() and Ukiha😇 ()!

They are both extremely talented singers so please listen to their latest cover of Saikai (LiSA x Uru) at https://t.co/gXD1h9Kcd7 ❄️

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