grats, I'm lvl up =:3 it's a quarter of a century I live and I still so silly, hehe. /blep/ I made this year's leveling up card or something (idea - Felix-Vulpes). in fact it's really useful thing and I advise it to everyone~ <3

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mam nadzieje ze nie Vulpesa Inculte mojego husbando

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Vixen vulpes the mage of the South kingdom.

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Also considering offers on my Lupisvulpes character.. offers over $140 only though.

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Old pic of Vulpes Inculta, based of that one post about some persons dad.

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Vulpes vulpes of the park, and elsewhere: How beautiful is the fox? ........ images of the fox from the George Arents Cigarette Card Collection at New York Public Library Digital Collections.......

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名:霜乃瀬 璃菜

界:動物界 Animalia
門:脊索動物門 Chordata
亜門:脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata
綱:哺乳綱 Mammalia
目:ネコ目 Carnivora
科:イヌ科 Canidae
属:キツネ属 Vulpes
種:アカギツネ V.vulpes
亜種:キタキツネ V.v.schrencki

学名:Vulpes vulpes schrencki

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This can be interpreted as a very out of character vulpes inculta or a very in character courier

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Fennec Fox

Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Fenekku
Distribution: Sahara
Also known as: Fennec
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Vulpes zerda
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Japanese Name: フェネック

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January 9th was Bumm Cumm's birthday (albeit 236 years early) so I had to draw something for him

Vulpes doesn't approve of how he's planning on celebrating, but he doesn't approve of most things Bumm does so nothing new there

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I sort of miss drawing Vulpes with the fuzz jacket. Can’t fail with the fuzz jacket.

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As I was watching the birds I could see movement out of the corner of my eye and I initially thought that a loose dog was walking along the path. However the gait was wrong for a dog so I glanced over. This Red Fox Vulpes vulpes sauntered past, stopped and turned around. Posing!

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Vulpes ( ) doesn't enjoy putting a foot down about trival matters but the heroes they keep sending to thwart him aren't impawressive at all. They talk up big heroics, but they aren't living up to these Pressing Obligations.


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