❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I totally forgot to talk about these Still pictures the All-Stars came out with recently. I just love it when idols from different groups congregate with each other and Mifune's smile is way too cute. Happy Sunday, folks!🏈

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I say we finally talk about the new Cat Cafe set that Aqours dropped. UR Ruby and SSR You are the cutest things ever and the cats are just the most blessed things I've ever seen. Happy Caturday, folks (AKA Saturday)!🐱

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Being real, it's been a while since I've talked about the birb known as Kotori. I personally label her as my third best girl of u's (behind Honky and Maki). What a cutie! Happy Wednesday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

After two months of beautiful u's idols, the "White Snow" set is officially complete. The NozoEli release consists of a majestic Eli SSR and a beautiful Nozomi SR. Overall, I'm happy with this set! Happy Saturday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Might as well dedicate this tweet to Madame Stewshine today. To me, I say You shares a two-way tie with Riko as my second best girl of Aqours. A salute to your presence, Ms. Watanabe! Happy Friday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I never got around to talking about these new All-Stars cards. I simply love them. They're all so colorful. Outside of Yumu, I personally think Ruby and Eli take the cake with their idolized looks. Happy Wednesday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

YAY! We got some new SRs! Kanan and Riko, you both look blessed and beautiful. From what I understand, this collection is called "Mountain Hare". Those idolized bunny ears are simply the greatest thing. Happy Monday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Pana, happy birthday! Here's to praying it's a great one. Have some blessed pictures to celebrate the coming of the Rice Goddess. Happy Friday, folks!🎁🎊🎉

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

It just keeps coming. New cards! The second half of the Seven Lucky Gods Aqours set delivered very well, the UR pairing's cute, and that birthday UR makes me super-excited for Pana's birthday tomorrow! Happy Thursday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Not sure what to tweet about today, since there's nothing new at the moment. Might as well post a bit of Kanan for this one because I always keep forgetting she exists for some reason. Happy Sunday, folks!🏈

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️


Oh yeah, Honky? Your SR looks majestic, too! Overall, it's been a great u's set. Psyched for the final wave. Happy Friday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I'm back! I finally have internet again! I was worried I wasn't gonna make it today, but thankfully I did. Have some All-Stars card illustrations I forgot to share with a week or so ago. Happy Thursday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Today's tweet is brought to you by the very same school idol who descended from the heavens. Yeah, I think today's a Yohane day. Have some blessed All-Stars illustrations from the fallen angel. Happy Wednesday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I spent all of my time yesterday fangasming over the new Maki cards we received, so I might as well start talking about the other All-Stars cards. They're all amazing, but Shizuku's UR blew my mind! Happy Monday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I never actually got around to sharing my thoughts about the SRs for the new Seven Lucky Gods set. They're all so beautiful, but I think Mari's idolized costume takes the cake in my mind. Happy Saturday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I think today should be an Umi day. There are times where I totally forget that Umi is a thing and alongside Honoka and Kotori, she also has a place in everyone's hearts, too. This one's for you, Umi! Happy Friday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Just discovering these still images from All-Stars. I outright LOVE them! These illustrations have always been good and these photos are no exceptions. Keep up the good work! Happy Thursday, folks!

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As 2020 begins, let's go into more important manners by wishing Aqours idol and Buu-Buu-Desu-Wa mastermind known as Dia Kurosawa a warm happy b-day!🎁🎊🎉🎁🎊🎉🎁🎊🎉🎁🎊🎉🎁🎊🎉#Aqours

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

AW, YEAH! Another Seven Lucky Gods set! I enjoyed the approach u's took on this category, but good lord, these Aqours cards so far are CLEAN!!!! Looking forward to the second UR and half of the set. Happy Tuesday, folks!

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❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Just woke up to this lovely birthday UR and let me just say that Dia is gorgeous here. So psyched for the first birthday tweet of 2020. Happy Monday, folks!

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