NEWS ! Pour les sorties au ciné de Black Widow et Morbius :
* JE SUIS BLACK WIDOW + JE SUIS MORBIUS, les anthologies grand format (320p, 26€)
* Pour les nouveaux lecteurs ? MARVEL-VERSE : BLACK WIDOW et MORBIUS ! Anthologies 112p, petit format (15x23cm) et prix mini de 5,95€ !

19 61

リステMVモード、chuwi hi9pro
Mediatek x23には荷が重かったようだ、、、カクカク

0 0

Art Feature: A2, by !

Prints (7x10" for $30, 13x19" for $40, 16x23" for $50):
Digital highres image ($10, part of a bundle):

124 875

「Cat's Twilight」「Cat's Midnight」
キャンバスに油彩 16x23cm 2014

0 9

Art Feature: Mordred pinup, by !

Prints (7x10" for $30, 13x19" for $40, 16x23" for $50):
Digital highres image ($10, part of a bundle):

60 692

Laura Redesign

I have this idea where Laura gets really into fighting recreationally and her solo book turns into an exploration of the martial arts side of Marvel.

Anyway, this is that.

61 188

So.. i wasnt planning on drawing anything outside of work today.. buuuuut tagged me on s version of X23 or rather V-23 and i totally had to add to the joy lol

73 495