画質 高画質

minho shouted Jonghyun hyung & cried
onew is crying
key is crying
shawols is crying


255 354

Thank you for being strong, for coming back to us, as SHINee and as Lee Jinki, as Kim Kibum, as Choi Minho and as Lee Taemin in this very hard time. I only want nothing but happiness for you
You are my strength, my everything. 고마워 사랑해요 영원히

80 91

A sketch of Minho aka a warmup before something more serious

59 152

SHINee power au

- Jinki orders Minho to teach Jjong some self defense and how to control his powers
- but when Jjong steals Minho's fire powers he cant make flames he makes warm balls of colorful light
- useless in fights but makes for a really scenic movie night w/ the rest :)

19 63

20180220 HOLT Official Website Update - 배우 이민호 기부브랜드 PROMIZ 우유수염 프로젝트 https://t.co/EaG8NvDoUo
Promiz Milk Mustache Project

32 134

A dos días de el aniversario luctuoso de nuestro Jong. Hay que tener valor y coraje para pararse en el escenario después de tan poco tiempo de una perdida irreemplazable. Gracias SHINee!

845 880

‘thank you minho, thank you’

[cr: iltiart]

0 4

“Thank you Minho, thank you”

WoW diD yOu hEar mY HeaRT shATTerING iNTo A miLLiOn piEcES

14 62

⭐️⭐️🌜Jonghyun playing his Kazoo on The Moon 🌛⭐️⭐️#AlwaysWith5HINee (Cr:asuka1703 don't repost thanks)

132 177


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