画質 高画質

Dave is the best character in Penguins of Madagascar anyone who says otherwise is in denial

1 1

I was teaching Nik about Emperor penguins so I pulled up human scale pictures and the choices for human scale are weird.
banana is my fav.

3 21

These tiny ultra cute penguins from are so fucking adorable and I want to hug em and squeeze em forever

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◇小鳥作家の手作り雑貨市◇ 神戸煉瓦倉庫 

1 1

I drew these penguins: Seanie6, euston, and Mosta28!

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Matcha Penguins - Bakery Cafe

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Very rough sketch of Edinburgh Castle with added floating penguin.

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Penguins just want to have fun...uh-huh...uh-huh...

1 3

【Iwa】Welcome the new humboldt penguin chicks born in Toba Aquarium
💕🐧 💕🐧 💕https://t.co/eXN9iqMK4i

45 117


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作るの大変だったMarching PenguinsのWebサイト、

9 42

Penguins from 20/50 Vision: Tomorrow's Habitat exhibition by Andrew Burns Colwill

1 0

Matcha Penguins

409 1074

I can't draw penguins to save my life, so have a humanized version instead. Pretty accurate if I say so myself.

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These Penguins reminds me just of my birdbots.

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