画質 高画質

League cup final day. C'mon City

My drawing created in


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Tonight's Sheldon Richardson drawing update.


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Just adding some shadow to my drawing.

Then I'll add highlights before even more shadows.

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てるてる - Adobe® Ideas を使用して作成.

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Wildstar - Chua - Créé à l'aide d'Adobe® Ideas.

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だめぽん - Adobe® Ideas を使用して作成.

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More iPhone fingerwork: 5 Feb 14 - John @ La Balme - Created using Adobe® Ideas.

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Nick( ) @ Chalet des Bachais, Giettaz this lunchtime. Drawn on iPhone.

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16/30 days drawing challenge.

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無題 5 - Adobe® Ideas を使用して作成.

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Second challenge of 30 days drawing on love it!

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In my ears the devil is a lie new single of feat jayz -

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