画質 高画質

[Art trade with.... some lion I guess?]

88 356


4 69

Art trade with []
I'd turned his character into Typhlosion!

29 140

自家寶可夢獸化膠衣英雄 碎爪 & 毒牙,今天也要一起努力拯救寶可夢喔! / Pokemon latex suit transfur OC heroes Break Claw & Poison Fang. Keep saving innocent pokemons together everyday!

51 212

百萬獸化 / メガジュウカ / Mega Transfur

30 140

You don't believe in dragons?
Can't you see the one coming right now?
No, not from the sky...
From inside, silly.

12 54


25 100

ニワトリ怪人にされるデブ高校生君。 下が曇ってるのは(ーё一)キノセーニャ

3 11

One of my commissions finally done!!! i loved to be able to draw this lovable handsome trans hunk boy!!! i need more of this guys out there!!
thanks for commission mi this <3

4 28

TF(Transfur)관련 잡담과 그림을 그리는 계정입니다! 주로 동물 또는 포켓몬의 TF를 그립니다, 저랑 교류하고 싶으신분들은 멘션 or RT or DM을 해주시면 팔로하러가요~
(※이 장르는 노출이 많습니다)

23 61

TF덕질용 계정을 새로 팠습니다 그쪽 분들 환영합니다...:)

41 125

Experimenting with a new dream mist technique for large creatures on . Commission.

9 25

Having fun in my werewolf streaming commissions day !
Thanks a lot to Noxyfer for this one :3

33 119

Needed an example for head shot TF sequences and wanted to volunteer. She a wild doggo.

14 52

" Transfur Experiment . 1 "

Pixiv here ! (more 10p) → https://t.co/PXQvV3BcBW

21 83


21 39


3 17

C91 3日目 東7 o-30b 裸足本と、transfur本を出す予定です。

34 95