画質 高画質


4 28

COMIC1★15新刊『GARIGARI101 零時のわたし-2-』各書店様で予約受付中です!ちっちゃな子におじさん達がひどいコトをするお話です。今回もマカノカさん( )にとっても素敵なイラストを描いていただきました💕❣️

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Shin Hayarigami 1 & 2 Pack Announced For Nintendo Switch, Releases In Japan On July 18 https://t.co/epaGEU0E3x

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Shin Hayarigami 1 and 2 Pack announced for Switch https://t.co/yhJDQ5ZeLY

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I love the silent hour of night,

For blissful dreams may then arise,

Revealing to my charmed sight

What may not bless my waking

ー Anne Bronte

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Finished picture of my two Darigan Eyries

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Feliz Cumpleaños Dracer Senpai, Arigato por todo, que sigas cumpliendo muchos mas!

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More My151 Campaign illustrations:

-Gengar by Pokemon designer Hitoshi Ariga/ありがひとし.
-Porygon by TCG illustrator Tomokazu Komiya/こみやトモカズ.
-Charizard by TCG illustrator Kouki Saitou/斎藤コーキ.
-Farfetch'd by TCG illustrator Mitsuhiro Arita/有田満弘.

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Simplemente... ¡IMPRESIONANTE! 🎶

Arigato por el regalo me ha encantado. uwu

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Stream warm up was drawing my neopet, Calander, in his old darigan bori form. Was his most know appearance due to the NeoTimes comic, Bad Carma.
I had a bit of fun doing these.

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Next planned idea is Asteroid Blues for the GBA.
This adaptation of Ariga Mega Man looks alright - until you compare to the size of the sprite from MM&Bass, which already had screen-crunch issues...

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I actually found out that Narikama (Or Narigama) is an actual mythological Yokai! The Corocoro describes them as "An appreciated Yokai who predicts lucky omens by knocking on the iron kettle on their head." It's pretty accurate bc Narikama are able to predict the future.

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Io e lei
Barigazzi Marinella

Siamo inseparabili anche se le nostre vite sono molto diverse...

A volte penso che vorrei vivere la vita di Beatrice.

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Thanks for your encouragement.  励(はげ)ましてくれてありがとう。


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オッレルスとシルビア ARIGATO

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