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On the bright side she'll let you work it off.

...getting her a coffee will be tough, though. Expresso grande

Both by twisted art wounders

3 17

I felt depresso until got my espresso

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Giovedì sarò ospite di per il laboratorio su illustrazione e impresa, presso . Che fai?

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A quick espresso for the road.

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青森コーヒーフェスティバル2017⚐⚑ 今年も楽しませて頂きました。写真は1枚目から順に、今年の黒板アート、和田珈琲さんとコラボされた沖縄のCHONMAGEPRESSOさん、お洒落なドリッパーのSomoshさん、雰囲気が素敵な自遊木民族珈琲さん↟ᐝ

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The first machine for making espresso was built and patented by Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy. >^..^<

6 29

Stéphanie Chardon ha ben espresso la perenne ricerca del maschio.... e il suo perdersi in questo sterinato labirinto che è la femmina.

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コーヒーブレイクは、イセビルからご近所のエスプレッソ専門のcafe emo espressoにて。カプチーノです。ラテアートが可愛らしい₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ෆ⃛̑̑ෆ⃛ https://t.co/IWLIL4cWCi

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I'd like one pumpkin caramel apple spiced double shot expresso with extra foam....

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A cappuccino is made with espresso and foam. You can't make a no foam cappuccino. If you want no foam, you're getting a latte.

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Cara, acho que vou comprar uma impressora/scanner novo... é outro mundo poder trabalhar encima dos desenhos antes de colocar eles aqui.

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