画質 高画質

Commission for of his tielfing Wick who is obvi such a cutie patootie

62 450

Happy (late) valentine's day!
It's me and karamatsu ahahhah *wheezes*

0 6

Ritual at the standing stones 🐺🕯️Commission for Farkaswoelfin

25 121

Finished my art trade with (sorry it's so late!)
Her PC Zelfine. I love this moody elf

3 43

Sometimes you’ve gotta just draw yourself with your favorite character ya know???

0 5

✨ Characters for sale! ✨
If you're interested, please DM me here or comment on DeviantArt.

More details can be found on their respective posts
Elfin Sorceress - https://t.co/SPBFZ5E0FV
Circus Ringleader - https://t.co/EzG6zLfPLT

[RTs are greatly appreciated~ 💕]

7 14

As a proof that I’m still pretty much alive and kicking, here are some sketches of my recent, disgustingly selfindulgent OC Leo, the lion gijinka (How do you like my naming? Fucking A+ clever, am I right?) He’s a fuckboi and a flirt and works as a host + stripper at hen parties

3 30


0 4

冬コミ新刊「ダイヤさんと呼ばないで」(Elfin Facies)の通販がメロンブックスさんで開始したようです
よろしくお願いします( ´ ▽ ` )

12 31

【マンガ更新】美声女ユニット「elfin'」のリーダー・辻美優のマンガ連載「Strawberry Dream」第41回「ぷっちーーん。」を更新しました。 | 超!アニメディア https://t.co/H7bccYWKK0

6 7

DeviantART -> https://t.co/48IOtdkQne
Nuovissima piccyna, che va molto a ricordare tempi lontani di una giovanissima me alle prese con i miei primi disegni e i miei primissimi amori fictional~♥

0 1

遅くなり申し訳ございません。美声女ユニットelfin'のリーダー辻美優が描くマンガ『Strawberry Dream』が「超!アニメディア」サイト内の連載マンガコーナーで連載中!本日第40話がアップされました!

4 28

Some Dragon Rider AU that my friend let me in on. Ofc I had to self insert and drag my favorite OC into it

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Das Regenbogen-Einhorn-Delfin dings.. ^^

0 21

【マンガ更新】Strawberry Dream(39)助っ人 | 超!アニメディア https://t.co/Sshx0xPO8W

3 17

美声女ユニットelfin'のリーダー辻美優が描くマンガ『Strawberry Dream』が「超!アニメディア」サイト内の連載マンガコーナーで連載中!

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