画質 高画質

Juro que não tem um bolo dentro desses

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incrível como uma bitoca alavancou a proteção desses dois um pelo outro em kkkkkkkkk

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acho que tô meio atrasado pra isso mas é porque tava ocupado, porém tá aqui o desenho desses dois ícones, sou muito fã 😔👍


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oii sou eu magris.... eu sou designer e Artista.. me Notem ! eu faço ilustrações digitais e colagens (e um dia desses resolvi aprender a mexer no blender também) 💫
no ig meu @ é: mmagriss


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The feeling when the weather is too hot and humid and you body feels heavy, you constantly feel tired and have no motivation? Yah even goddesses feel it (well this goddess currently has a mortal body so...)

Solution: Excercise! (But I don’t wanna!)

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I probably should join the

I’m ash and I love goddesses, witches, and bad bitches 🥺💕🌸

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(She steps closer with a click of her heels.)

I suppose not everybody knows their gods and goddesses now, do they?

...You said it yourself.
It is likely I am an alter ego class, yes?

You have said my name, but not the deity who decided to take it.

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Hoje faz um aninho que a animação de Given foi lançada! Faz um ano que temos essa obra recheada de ensinamentos importantíssimos em nossas vidas, acompanhando de pertinho a evolução desses personagens tão reais e humanos! É tão satisfatório ver eles crescendo. Happy Given Day! 💜

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that's unfair..............
these are by far the cutest and fairest sets tbh (except we don't have Eugeo in the last one....but at least... the three goddesses....)

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Wishing you a serene night and a good Saturday ...some colour and a peaceful lake perhaps with gratitude always for kindesses
Franklin Carmichael 🎨

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In Greek and Roman mythology, Moira, Fate has three goddesses who determined human destinies, and in particular the span of a person’s life and his allotment of misery and suffering. They spin the threads of human destiny.

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Pra sextar, uma perguntinha:

Qual desses casais fez seu coração derreter mais virando canon?

O pessoal ocidental tá mandando bem nos últimos anos nos casaisinhos fofos~

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Finalmente fiz um desses pra minha fursona

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>>Postando esse só pra deixar fixado já que atualizei os links de onde posto arte<<

Eu faço umas pinturas digitais e umas colagens digitais tmb e tu pode ver meu portifolio completo em um desses lugares


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Fanartizinhas de dark souls que fiz desses personagens tão lindos
o set deles tão nos comentários ;)

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When you look at Anny Robert’s photos, what do you see?

I see these women looking like ethereal goddesses, whom myths, poems and ballads are written about and I see expressing his artistic ingenuity through his photos.

we applaud your creativity👏🏽

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9. Не будем мелочиться XD
Luis Royo "Progects: Goddesses. Custom Made"
И немного прекрасного))

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Current art WIP on Utena x Anthy, my two favorite rose goddesses. 💖 I was torn between glasses or no glasses on Anthy, but no-glasses Anthy has some elegance to her.

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Two goddesses at the evening party [Illustrious; Belfast] https://t.co/jP8gAsiLkB

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