mommy akasha

Feel like this one turned out super nice, figuring out what to spend time on. Still wish I could get stuff super clean like some other people tho lol

24 70

Akasha of Dragalia Lost in an hour. My favorite pity break and snerson (snake+person). Man next time I'm doing this with pencil. Digital art is hard.

6 10

Repost cuz I fucked up the first time lol. Also cleaned it up and added her mole

I need to get faster at sketching lol, cheated a bit cuz I had a random bloody nose halfway through :^)

12 33

想试着参加看看 给自己一个死线能画多少呢_(:з」∠)_
←60分钟 100分钟→

77 148

1時間じゃこれが限界_(:3」 ∠ )_


6 25

mei hou wang with a new friend! (i exceeded the time by 5 mins ^^;;)

24 53


今日のお題 / Today's prompt
> ビコウオウ / Mei Hou Wang
> オリオン / Orion
> アカーシャ / Akasha

ルール / Rules

Beginners welcome!

31 67

Decided to draw her in a nightgown to simplify her outfit and not run out of time, but then I finished the lines and realized I only had 15 minutes left for coloring 😣

20 42



2 2