🦌 Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig /.
Frankfurt am Main: S. Schmerber, 1835-1840.

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This is Caspar David Frederich's 1835 painting, The Ages of Man!

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John LaFarge
(USA 1835-1910)

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Born in 1782: American painter (1782-1860)

Portrait of Harriet Hampton (1791-1858), ca. 1835

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Bartolomeo Pinelli. Italian 1771-1835.Patroclus Killed by Hector. 19th.century. Bartolomeo Pinelli. Italian 1771-1835. chalk, feather in gray-gray and brown wash on paper.

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Sir John Ross died in August 1856. A notable explorer of the polar regions, this image of an Arctic Fox is from a book of 1835 describing his second journey to the Arctic.

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Traité des arbres fruitiers: Royal d'hiver, Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau, 1808-1835 https://t.co/q5gfnyG7Dh

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🌼 Flore médicale
Paris: Imprimerie de C.L.F. Panckoucke, 1833-1835.

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Today in 1835, poor old Marshal Mortier was killed along with 17 others when Fieschi used his Infernal Machine to try to assassinate Louis Philippe.

He was 67.

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Prachtige tekening van Oost-Indische kers door Hendrik Reekers (1835). Zo precies en rijk in kleur; haast levensecht!

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That’s ! Dickens first stayed at The Angel in 1835. Mr Pickwick and his manservant Sam stayed here on the trail of Alfred Jingle in The Pickwick Papers. Image: Mr Pickwick on the Ice by Charles Dickens, illustrated by Alice B. Woodward.

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🌼 Flore médicale
Paris: Imprimerie de C.L.F. Panckoucke, 1833-1835.

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🦌 Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig /.
Frankfurt am Main: S. Schmerber, 1835-1840.

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The Bright Stone of Honour (Ehrenbreitstein) and the Tomb of Marceau, from Byron's 'Childe Harold', 1835

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Grands oiseaux blancs,qui bravez les tempêtes,
Goëlands !
Grands oiseaux blancs,protégez nos enfants,
Nos enfants!
Demain aux feux de l'aube
ils vont partir!

✍️Louis Pomey(1835-1901)
🎨Jamie Wyeth

🤗💝grazie mille🙏felice venerdi💐a te cara Clanlupi 😉✨

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🦋 Histoire naturelle des lépidoptères exotiques
Paris: Pauquet, editeurs: 1835 [-1836]

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THXforRT/33b B. (Rome 1781-1835) TX for RT to
Bartolomeo Pinelli - Illustrations ‘Eneidi di Virgilio’

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