It's and we are entering week 2 of our campaign in this double-sided anthology. A Soul Divided/Caged in Flesh features 12 stories from 24+ talented creators who need your help to make this book a reality!

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Little tease panel from a horror short I've written for a cool anthology... art via - more soon!

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This book is tearing us apart! is battling for ultimate victory in our double-sided anthology. Only one side will win, but every pledge and share helps make A Soul Divided/Caged in Flesh a success!

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Happy Monday everyone! Our new episode goes live soon, but before then, an important 'shameless plug'. If you haven't got your copy yet, heres the latest issue of the Awesome Comics anthology. 3 stories of badass action for your eyeballs. GET IT HERE!

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Dan Watters , the writer of Lucifer for ' Sandman Universe, Deep Roots for and LIMBO for , has penned a poignant story for our anthology. We couldn't be happier to welcome him on board!

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Get to Know Your Coven: , interior artist on I Am Hexed
Christianne is the co-creator & artist of the webcomic Full Circle and worked on vol 1 of Beyond: The Queer Sci-Fi & Fantasy Anthology.

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cropped preview for 's anthology. it's a good lookin book! I'm also roaming everyone else's cropped anthologies like wow! wOW!! <--pre order here!

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Look, I'm just over here living my best with my best

Illustration by in the anthology.

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In one week from today (May 8th) a Kickstarter shall launch to fund a Mormon Missionary Comics Anthology. Myself and 27 other talented artists contributed stories. More info soon.

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Today we will be posting various screen grabs of the stories in our upcoming anthology. First up it is from the talented duo of and 👊 follow them both and show them some love.

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Another Bestiary entry for This entry is much more closely tied to what my first story for the group is going to be... a sign of things to come:

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Looks like there is a sea of great artists, but I'll add my drop to the waters. I'm currently working on a SFF game called Mythic Ocean, and have contributed to the comic anthologies Dirty Diamonds and Dates! A Queer Historical Fiction Anthology.

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Finally posting some art for Here's a look into one of the mythical creatures that roamed the lands before disappearing without a trace: Dragons!

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I drew a comic written by ! It'll be part of ' Shards Vol. 2 anthology.

Pre-orders are up here:

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"By grabbing this book, you can too become a hero because the money will be used to help Puerto Rico," said Puerto Rican illustrator , who drew the story written by actor and poet in the new anthology.

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