Qualcuno vive.
Forse qualcuno vive. Ma noi, qui,
chiusi in ascolto dell'antica voce,
cerchiamo un segno che superi la vita,
l'oscuro sortilegio della terra
dove anche fra le tombe di macerie
l'erba maligna solleva il suo fiore.

S. Quasimodo

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Thank you to all who joined "Digital Art as an Investment" on today! We look forward to more insightful conversations!

Special thank you to: , Ulvi Kasimov of , Adriano Picinati, Anna Dempster, , and

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Introducing my with my persona Asimov, been working on this for a month with , and I couldn’t be happier at the result, hope your excited, this is only the beginning, PERSONA!!!

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Poco se habla pero un día como hoy hace 30 años muere Isaac Asimov uno de los mejores escritores de Ciencia Ficción de todos los tiempos.

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Finita è la notte e la luna
si scioglie lenta nel sereno,
tramonta nei canali.

È così vivo settembre in questa terra
di pianura, i prati sono verdi
come nelle valli del sud a primavera.
💙#TeneraÈLaNotte 🌹#DonneInArte x 🍀#SalaLettura 💫#TraINobel
Claude Monet,1882

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Гэри Селдон и Эдо Демерзель.

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Little doll

Il est grand temps que votre mère vous dise que, en réalité, vous n’existez pas.
Isaac Asimov, chrono minet, auteur, auteur

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"SANCTUARY!" cried , er...Quasimodo.

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[Blog] en 1951, Isaac Asimov parlait d'école à la maison... https://t.co/B579C8rp9L

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R. Daneel Olivaw. Concept.
According to Azimov - a prototype of a perfect android model, a masterpiece, the crown of the creation of human genius. The unattainable ideal of the "superhuman", both physically and mentally/spiritually.

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If you popped Quasimodo's hump what would come out? I think confetti would be pretty dope.

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I wanna pop Quasimodo's hump

1 31

Last year I painted Nina Simone in a more painterly/naturalistic style, but wanted to paint her again in my current style.
I’ve really been enjoying these slightly more colourful portraits. And I hope you are too!

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Ilustración dedicada a mi dolor de espalda...que hice jorobada como Quasimodo

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every once and a while I remember I have a twitter, and I post on it, just to spice things up

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Baki kalan bu kubbede bir hoş sada imiş.”
8 Mart 2021 🙏🏻

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Well, I guess I'm at a point where I can unveil a new character officially after spending *stares at computer clock* a lot of time trying to learn digital art. This guy is Asimov, and he's a red-tailed black cockatoo (they look like synthwave birds, I STG)

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