画質 高画質

Región: Alola
Tipo: Fuego
Poder: Mega-Evolución
Pokémon Has: Mega-Blaziken

-Alolan Marowak
-Groudon Primigenio

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Es verdad!! Había olvidado subir el dibujo que hice para un collab de pokemón gijinka, dejo el link del collab abajo
Mi personaje es Ninetales de Alolan ♡

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❄️Todoroki as Vulpix?!🔥

I mixed Alolan and Kantonian Vulpixes, but kept Todoroki's hairstyle instead of the typical Vulpix's curly hair. ;D

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2. Hana! 🌸 They’re an Alolan Vulpix who lives in the countryside and occasionally works as a human in the city to pay bills. Living a typical Adult Life, they’re just doing their best to figure out what they wanna do for the next 500+ years.

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Bulliera | Story: Island Guardians

Leader of the Alolan Island Guardians. Very kind hearted and generous, protective of his friends and berry garden. Strong fighter and never turns down a challenge, especially from other legendaries. Very good with kids

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Either a Shiny Alolan Raichu or Charizard.

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(Alolan Dugtrio) 擬人化

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[Pokemon Evolution Line a Day] - Gooey Bunch
Alolan muk isn't so happy to be here Cx At least the grimers seem te be enjoying themselves!

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The Alolan Cubone we missed out on!

I've started work on Cubone's ancestry tree. For various reasons, I made an "Alolan Cubone" for it.

Credit for the Alolan Marowak sprite goes to the Smogon Sprite Project!

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New batch 2!
Poison/Ghost; They live in forests around cities, hunting down any bit of rubbish or trash, especially left behind by trainers.
Adopt Fee: $10USD, DM me?

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Set 22: Alolan Marowak (Pokemon) vs Duskull (Pokemon)

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Vulpix + Alolan Vulpix
Ponyta + Alolan Ponyta
Dragonite + Dragonair/Shiny Dratini
Rayquaza + Shiny Rayquaza

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So finally if just judging from my tastes of animals there really aren't many I like. The Slowpoke and Inkay family are probably the most likable. Alolan Raichu and Reuniclus are all pretty cute but again I never used any of them in my playthrough.

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Joltik and Cutiefly...aka Andy and Alolan Andy :]

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Two friends are about to have their first battle together! Valuto got his Pokemon, a Noibat he calls Drago, and he's ready to take Nidhogg on. Nid looks confident with his Alolan Cubone Dry Bones and the two get ready to duke it out!

Gift for


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Fun fact:- She collaborated with Pokemon!
Kind of..

During February 4-11th of 2020, a snow miku sculpture with alolan Vulpix was shown in the Pokemon center branch office

There's even exclusive merchandise with the two!
And a festival which held that showed the two!

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But instead what other pokemon would you like to see my Alolan Meowth as?

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